Making a Difference, One Appeal at a Time
By Susan Flansburg
Serving other people and creation is the only activity that has meaning in life.
I’m not saying it’s always fun or even fulfilling. I am saying it’s always meaningful.
My work with nonprofits has helped make my career meaningful. I’ve been thinking about one job in particular.
Last winter I was asked to write an appeal letter for University of Utah Health’s transplant program. I interviewed a patient who had already received 2 kidney transplants. He was only 33 years old.
Justin’s story helped raise money for transplant patients who have trouble covering the cost of critical incidentals not covered by insurance, including nutritional supplements for tube feeding, and rehab sessions.
I’ve been thinking about Justin because one of my own friends just had a kidney transplant. It’s terribly hard. The last thing anyone in that position needs to do is worry about how to pay for their care.
I mean, can you imagine not being able to supply your tube feeding system with the nutrition you need to live?
Justin taught me a lot. And my friend is teaching me still.
I have the best job in the world. I get to meet wonderful people and share their stories. Thanks to my extensive fundraising and donor-centric communications training, the stories I tell make a real difference.